Household Robot Makes Salad and Cleans the Dishes

Household robot makes the salad and clean the dishes as the first introduced in Korea, there is the third version of the 2012 world Robot CIROS. Researchers at the Korea Institute of science and technology (KIST) Center of Intelligent Robotics (CIR) showed their Household robots, CIROS, Robot World Service in 2012. CIROS, the third version of the robot, since development began in 2005, is designed to help any home doing simple tasks.

An official funeral is to recognize familiar objects, CIROS Sand kitchen appliances such as microwave ovens, sinks, refrigerators and dishwashers and smart can move through their environment. Artificial intelligence robot is the result of collaboration between laboratories for robotics at several institutions, including the high rank of Korea Seoul University, Korea Advanced Institute of science and technology (KAIST), Korea University, So-gang University and College, Pohang Sungkyukwan University of science and technology (POSTECH). As such, it represents the latest technology such as Korean Robotics CIROS.

Robot head contains stereoscopic cameras and an infrared sensor that 3D is similar to Microsoft Kinect, they used to recognize objects. Robust speech recognition is also possible with an array of microphone 12 pieces that is created. CIRO Sallows 5 ' 3 long "(160 cm), a heavy weighs 330 pounds (150 kg) and move in a direction randomly, on wheels." It can detect and avoid obstacles in the vicinity of a rangefinder laser and ultrasound, sensors are in your body. And skilled hands, identical to which there was (another robot developed at the KAIST ), a collection of objects and tools.

CIROS dishwasher loads previous versions of the robot and drinks like machines vending of fruit into a pan of juice. Photos of the lab proposes that intelligent CIROS is also suitable for loading and unloading the dishwasher. Eventually the researchers want to build and program a robot that can perform every step of the food, preparation for cleaning. It will not be a reality for years to come, but slowly but surely progress. There are also similar projects in the United States, Germany and Japan and they are competing in the RoboCup  Home, an annual competition to build the robot families simple activities that serve a cup of cereal.

Apart from CIROS, researcher in the coffin to also develop a bipedal humanoid robot called KIBO CIR and educational robots designed to teach students the lessons of English. He also works in an independent bipedal robot chest laboratory with technology Herculean Samsung. 2012 world Robot from October 25-28 and attracted many businesses to display its industrial.


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