Sony updates Vaio T13 with a touch screen to find the touch of your fingers

As we have said before that the IFA has opened its doors: If ultrabooks really wants to prevent erosion caused by the tabs on the portable segment, it is  ineluctable that the two notions converge. Time turned out to be correct, and Sony is added to the number of companies that are now finalizing the launch of a touchscreen ultra-portable notebook. The bet is common, since it is nothing more than a modernized version of remove the network adapter hides Vaio T13, technically called Vaio T13-2. As many other models that we have seen in recent weeks (and have left to do, we will tell you), the new T13 will be released on October 26, in conjunction with Windows 8. Under its shiny frame find i3 or Intel Core i7 (at least in the United Kingdom, we can do not rule out an i5 in other markets), up to 8 GB of RAM, memory in the form of plates (with a hard drive hybrid 500 GB) or SSD and a 13.3 screen inches with 1.366 x 768 pixels at this time is impossible to impress anyone. The inclusion of touch panel, of course, has a price: 100 grams (check about 1.7 kg) and 1 mm thick. The weight that will alleviate Pocket, We know that the United Kingdom will be in between 700 and 1,000 pounds.

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