Amanda Bynes Former Co-star Wants Help

Amanda Bynes has been linked in the news a bit recently because of several events with auto-hit - and - runs, the alleged drunk driving, driving license suspended and arrests - and a former teammate, said that it had tried unsuccessfully to reach the young actor.

Jennie Garth, who recently went through a very public divorce from "Twilight" star Peter Facinelli plays Carlisle, says you have tried to contact Bynes and she can not reach.

"I tried to call it and I could not get to it, said Garth".My heart feels for what it is and what I dearly love "."

There is a strange circulating around L.A. Bynes problem lately, including one where they are in the bathroom of a bakery in fashion in an hour which ended, owners stories send in panic thinking that they would be an overdose or worse, then calmly and explained that she had had her makeup done. His car was confiscated after a judge decided to remove the driver's license was not sufficient to prevent that Careening around the city - was - and it was reported that traces of drugs and a pipe was found in his car.

In what the actress says even those not drinking and wrongly arrested for DUI also took to Twitter to request President Obama fire to the officer who stopped you.

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