Facebook tests fees for out of network messaging

Facebook is updating messaging with new filters and paid positions.Facebook is testing a new messaging system that allows people to pay for their messages are sent directly to your Inbox by people who are not friends with.

The test, available for it will be only a "small number of people" in the United States, it is a reaction to a common user complaint: Facebooks that important messages are lost in the social networks spam filter. Currently offers Facebook messages you think are relevant to your Inbox from friends or friends of friends, but search who thinks Facebook is spam is sent to a littlenoticed "other" folder.

"Another" folder is full of unwanted messages more than people not associated with the user. These messages can, however, the main outofnetwork.

Facebook (FB) says that a combination of complex algorithms and social relations are used to determine if the messages are relevant. It will also begin the launch of a new tool for filtering users can choose if they want to "strict" filtering "in general messages from friends," according to the blog post from Facebook or 'base' filtering "usually posts from friends and people who know".

But even then, Facebook users can lose important messages, are unworthy of the Inbox social networks. Therefore, according to the company could operate paid model.

"If you want to send a message to a person heard about an event, but is not with friends or if you want to show someone a job offer, you can use this function to get to your Inbox," the company said in its blog. "For the recipient this test allows them to listen to people who have an important to send message."

Facebook has not said how much the service would cost. But the company cautiously at the beginning: Facebook said that this limitation does not prove the companies and users may payment message in your Inbox per week only.


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