Trisha Yearwood : Promotes Her New Food Network Show "Trisha’s Southern Kitchen"

Its Trisha Yearwood who we known as artist of American country music.Who is best known ballads about vulnerable young women.And in the recent news for her fans that she has signed a deal with star in a six episode daytime cooking show for the Food Network.Whatever its still as untitled series 
but it may set in April.To be fixed Trisha's Southern Kitchen." It debuts at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, April 14.The news from Food Network  about doing the series and already six episodes have been shoot and if those episodes are better response than it will be the plans to do more.

Here Trisha explain about her keen interestwith cooking.She said about that "Music is my passion and it's somethingI feel like I have to do, but cooking is a way for me to relax. I am more surprised than anybody that I would be talking to you about a cooking show, but since publishing two cookbooks I guess it's a logical next step"

She also told that "The show is really a reflection of my cookbooks. Each has stories and photos from my family, and the new show is very much the same. Part of what I love about this show is that we're using lots of family photos and even some film footage from my uncle's 8mm camera"The first episodes on the basis on adopting baby from Russia which is shower for a friend to Trisha.On the other episodes are consists ofher husband Garth Brooks whatever he is one of the guest and as wellas her sister and other family member.
She added next about her hubby "He would do anything in the world for me but I told him I wasn't going to ask him to be a guest on the show until I was sure I was having a good time doing this. I found that filming was a lot of fun,especially because I was able to spend time with people that I love"  

The kitchen her Nashville home was not camera-friendly thats why  Her show was filmed at a rented home in Nashville.She told about that- "My kitchen in Nashville has a stove top that faces a wall so we scouted kitchens in Nashville that had an island cook top and rented a house that was for sale whose kitchen had that feature. If the show continues past the first six episodes, my home kitchen may have to be modified"

Trisha said she wasn't like that girls who experieced how to coock from her mother.After left the family home in Georgia and turn to Nashville that she began to cook. She says-"My mother had taught me how to make sweet tea, but after I was on my own I made a lot of phone calls to ask basic questions like 'How long do I boil eggs?' or 'I made this cake and the layers fell apart, what happened?' Mother would always know the answer." She continious..

"My mother was a perfectionist about baking. My favorite cake is a chocolate devil's food cake with caramel icing. How well the icing turns out is dependent on the weather. It's either going to be perfect or so 
runny that it will fall off the cake. I never cared what the cake looked like, but my mother did. That cake would drive her nuts, and each year she would say she would never make it again".She also said that she growing up food tradition at her home included her grandmother's cornbread dressing and caramel candy.She says "My grandmother's cornbread dressing is my favorite thing for Thanks 
giving, and if it wasn't on our table I would be mortified. At Christmaswe would make a caramel candy that we would put in a sheet pan,let cool and then cut and wrap in wax paper. My sister usually makes that now. When I taste it, that's Christmas for me."

And she notes later she is not enough trained chef,but the most difficult part of filming was trying to smile while cooking."I'm used to being on stage performing but when I'm in the kitchen I'm usually by myself and very focused. The people on set had to keep reminding me to smile. I'm sure there are shots of me looking like a smiling ax murderer as I tried to put together a recipe. That was a real learning curve for me" explained with smiling.And at the end she said that the most interesting part is that favorite part of filming was chance to share her family's history.She says "I'm proud to have the opportunity to share this with my family. No matter what happens from here, it's been great to give this 
gift to them"

Trisha Yearwood,Promotes, new, Food Network show ,"Trisha’s Southern Kitchen",artist of American, country music,best known, ballads,vulnerable young women,signed, a deal, star in six-episode, daytime cooking show, Food Network,still as,untitled series,set in April,To be fixed,It debuts, already,six episodes,shoot,plans to do more.


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