Britney Spears : Close Deal, Will Get Record $15 Million Payday to Be X Factor Judge

Its Britney Spears who is an American artist,singer and entertainer.Its a huge fact for Britney Spears fans,may she will appear as judge on x Factor shows.The pop princess is very close to sign the huge deal.The multiple sources confirmed the hhuge deal.Its a huge negotiating result for both sides.One week its hugely negociated by both sides but finally its fixed at U$D15 million fee for the role.Now its just time for final aggrement.And the deal will make spears very high and it would be the highest paid judge on reality television, eclipsing Jennifer Lopez's U$D12 million deal for American Idol.

"Both camps were back and forth on the money but now they have finally come to agreement on the fee," says one insider with intimate knowledge of the pending deal. "That was the big sticking point and now, thankfully, it's been sorted. All they need to do now is work out the smaller points. The fact the money is now set, means that there is nothing stopping this from becoming a reality."Britney's hubby also told about the show,May he will become the producer of the show."Jason is expected to be there every day Britney is on set. He is her rock and will help guide her through the process. He is the person she trusts the most."A Fox rep had no comment. However a production insider tells E! News said that "this is an exciting time for . It'll be a fun project and she is welcoming the chance to mentor up-and-coming artists. She loves the idea of helping emerging talent get the recognition they deserve and is really looking forward to being on the show."

Cowell had interest in Spears it's been no secreet.Cowell said on the Billy Bush Show "The fact that she’s one of the most talked about - not just pop stars, but people - in the world today means that you've got this star power. She’s still hot, she’s still having hit records, and she’s still controversial. There’s a reason for that."Whatever Britney expected lot with her new role in May but there is still no final word that who will fill the final judging vacancy,according to an X-Factor production insider."The decision of who will join Simon, Britney and L.A. is yet to be made. Simon really wanted Britney confirmed first. Once she signs, he can make the final preparations."

Whatever we all want to Britney on the show,Its definitr he will make it hit.Multi source says that the deal is very close,hope it would be sign very first.

Britney Spears,American artist,singer, entertainer,appear as judge, X Factor shows,The pop princess,sign,huge deal,multiple sources,confirmed,negotiating,negociated by both sides,fixed at, U$D15 million,the role,final aggrement,highest paid judge, on reality television, eclipsing,Jennifer Lopez's U$D12 million deal,American Idol.


rava said...

wishes best of life

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