Time Magazine Person of the year 2011 : The Protesters

Man born to live. In the world, many categories and ideology s people live. From those people, God gives someone xtra qualities which drive himself to do unique task. But all people of world can not get succeed because of their lacking of targets, loose optimistic mentality and most important things which drive someone the pinnacle of success is regular Hard work. Someone wants to do many jobs to fulfill their demand and to support mankind but he can not able for hard working. So, We see In every sphere of life, If one want to succeed, hard work is sole and key point. We are awarded themselves those who serve mankind by their unique job. In this regards World famous magazine 'TIME' magazine declare 'Person of the year' in every year since 1927. In 2011 they primarily included 'Kate middleton, Admiral william Mchaven and congress man Paul ryan. In their short list, then Apple chairman and CEO Steve jobs and rep. Gabrieller did not keep their list. A surprising news are flown that In this year, they awarded all Protesters in Middle East who strongly protest against autocratic leading. So a new era are comes up by their strong movement. In last year they awarded social networking site Facebook's CEO 'Mark Zuckerberg' for person of 2010.

The Protesters
The protesters try to establish equal right system in their country. So, 'TIME' magazine cover page are illustrated by the scenery about 'The Protester' and a slogan-- 'from the Arab spring to Athens,from occupy Wall street to Moscow'. The author mentioned the present revolutionary movement In Libya, Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Bahrain and United republic Congo. In near recently, Russia's people also become protestor against their President. USA govt. also faces from the 'occupy Wall street protestor' which began demonstrating 1st in New York and gradually it spreads towards Washington, Chicago and Trenton, N J.
Time magazine editor Mr, Richard stengel says that, 'There was a lot of consensus among our people.'. I assume that, By his comment he wants to mention an important issue that, People are most conscious than past and they want to fulfill their rights. For establishing their rights in World they are protesting against inhumane activities of their government. It is a good news for people that, Autocratic rules are lessen day by day from the World.
So watching the real situation in the World Time magazine looks a new era in the world which is fulfilled by equal rights and equal policies, and in this reason they set a cover page 'The protester', Person of the year. We believe that The protesters get high inspired from it.time magazine person of the year 2011, person of the year, the protestor, the active protestor, middle east movement, award 2011 Time magazine, since 1927, steve jobs, Mark zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, time magazine, time person of the year, person of the year, time magazine person of the year, ron swanson, relation to the overall movement, The Year of the Protester, image of the protestor, Editor Richard Stengel, Person of the Year runner-ups, Kate Middleton, Ai Weiwei, Paul Ryan, William McRaven, Award,Entertainment ,MiddleEast ,News,PersonoftheYear ,Protester,Protests,TIME, TIMEMagazine, WorldNews,Media News, video hot images, past eight decades, Occupy Wall Street protester, national international news, news and events.


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