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The Community patent continues to be the color of the mobile market in 2013

Battle of patents with Apple, Samsung, Nokia, HTC and rim is far from over and will last throughout the 2013 Over last year, his patent was fought in courts around the world, technology companies. The controversy is not the end, but I'm still in 2013. What is at stake in the battle of the patent in the near future.

The confusion has reached the top in August, when the jury at the Court of the County of California granted victory of Apple $1 billion demand for patents patents against Samsung Tablet and smartphone. Samsung is to appeal against the sentence and the two companies are still disputes abroad.

In Germany, for example, Apple and Samsung still locked in several tests of numerous patents. Apple, for example, claims in German courts against many Samsung touchscreen patents. For its part, its Samsung Apple in Germany and other EU countries on patents, which is important for a number of telecommunications standards.

While Samsung announced recently to seek a ban on the sale of Apple products according to standards as patent lawsuits blaming Apple was in place and the patent will be in the coming years, according to the company.

Samsung, however, is not the only company who accuse competition patents declared to standard materials.

Ericsson is registered as two cases against Samsung in United States patent, that says that it is crucial for the implementation of a series of industry standards. Swedish telecommunications equipment said that it was found in more than two years for a license agreement with Samsung on a fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms and conditions, as very often in agreement between telecommunications companies.

When competitors agree on what is fair and reasonable license price usually disputes in court. If you like Samsung to pay, for example, Ericsson decided to concentrate on the range of Samsung products like cameras, Blu-ray players and TVs, but also phones, including the Galaxy S III and took account of the Galaxy II.

Judge of District Court United States, Eastern District of Texas, where the suits were finally decides to ban the sale of these units in the United States of America, Samsung

Shortly thereafter, request the lawsuit filed in Texas, similar complaints with the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) - Ericsson, the introduction of the ban on imports of a wide range of Samsung Galaxy S and Galaxy III. It should be noted that in both cases it be discussed after January 1.

Another relatively new players in the field of battle is heavyweight Nokia patents. Finally, Nokia filed a patent in United States and Germany against Research In Motion, HTC, and ViewSonic are derived from these companies against many patents. Nokia, which is the year of Samsung mobile Broadcasting, said that the mood is a company that has been ignored because it does not respect the rights of intellectual property of his invention, use Nokia without paying licensing fees.

At that time, the company had remained largely with the patent war that was mainly between Apple and Android. In November of the year past revealed that it was evident that Nokia will also prohibit the sale of certain products, as if it were, that they will try to block the sale of certain products to the edge with the wireless LAN feature.

EDGE, it is more prudent to keep the dispute of rights of intellectual property with Nokia and settled in a row on Friday, when the company announced the patent that has come the new agreement of patent license, any conflict between suppliers around the world.

At the same time remain in dispute between Apple and Samsung, he said, very good players, Mark Newman, Director can move focus of controversy in the smartphone industry to others. research in the field of information and telecommunication media studies Division. Seems that the relationship between the "major" in the smart phone is improving.

Patents of large cases in 2013 will be very good in the smartphone and two secondary rules providers, she said, "he said.

"It will be interesting to see if several manufacturers of phones like Nokia will be its portfolio of patents to more strategic activities, badly," said Newman.

What Google Motorola mobility to improve its patent portfolio, "said Nokia began examining their patents as a way of making money", said.? There is a tendency in 2013, decision makers in the old headphones, is less effective in the smartphone industry to begin using its patent portfolio.

China may also be a factor. "We expect more growth in the Chinese industry," said Newman, adding that these providers may begin exports of these phones. -It is interesting to see if they start to make the licenses, ", he said. If you do not do this, adds, probably the result of trials, but it may be difficult to win in the internal market of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Newman.

Consumers may well pay the price of your smartphone patent battles today. Add serious disputes, the total cost of the payments of patent of charged consumers for smartphones on the market today, said Newman. Although now adding consumers seem to pay high for smartphones prices, because they are so desirable, he said.

Community patent are so common in 2013, as they were in 2012, says Newman. "It is really of no end in sight", said, adding that a great innovation in the mobile industry love and people that these innovations will protect there is always the patent, said.

In this context, he said the patent wars "definitely continue," said Newman. "At least in the near future."

New NEC server has built-in batteries for backup power

NEC said the new server Express5800 high-end can eliminate the need for UPS in data centers.New high-performance NEC server contains Exchange batteries for the power supply without using an external power supply (UPS) source in data centers.

The new rack-mount server is a part of the main line "Express5800" NEC. Batteries internal cut out the use of force, the survival of the traditional UPS systems and provides a more compact data centers, the company said.

It can be mounted server can accommodate up to two batteries, although ships with a single. When both are used, capable of delivering 100 Watts during 15 minutes and 30 seconds, or six minutes and 40 seconds with a built-in battery. The set can supply power for 3 minutes and 40 seconds, when the server is exceeded in 311 Watts.

The internal batteries nickel metal hydride battery used in the installation, can last about five years for the replacement is necessary, in addition to most UPS systems, NEC, said. As everything else is stored internally, the new server, and also to save space by eliminating the need for a UPS, the server reduces the number of times that shuts off power to convert between AC and DC than using electricity.

The server went on sale in Japan on Wednesday, 316.000 costs ($ 3,760) and transfers will begin on December 26. NEC said that it is considering selling international server, but has not yet decided where and when.

The use of internal batteries as a backup of servers has grown slowly in recent years. Google has surprised many in the industry in 2009 showed the main server, with its own batteries built for power outages.

New NEC servers are available in several configurations with Intel Xeon processors up to 384 GB of memory and four 2.5 inch which can be up to 4.5 TB of storage SATA disks.

NEC is one of the largest producers of Japan of servers in data centers. Blackouts are a great concern for each data center, but a focus on Japan, where earthquakes and other natural disasters have been often in the past have caused outages.

Facebook tests fees for out of network messaging

Facebook is updating messaging with new filters and paid positions.Facebook is testing a new messaging system that allows people to pay for their messages are sent directly to your Inbox by people who are not friends with.

The test, available for it will be only a "small number of people" in the United States, it is a reaction to a common user complaint: Facebooks that important messages are lost in the social networks spam filter. Currently offers Facebook messages you think are relevant to your Inbox from friends or friends of friends, but search who thinks Facebook is spam is sent to a littlenoticed "other" folder.

"Another" folder is full of unwanted messages more than people not associated with the user. These messages can, however, the main outofnetwork.

Facebook (FB) says that a combination of complex algorithms and social relations are used to determine if the messages are relevant. It will also begin the launch of a new tool for filtering users can choose if they want to "strict" filtering "in general messages from friends," according to the blog post from Facebook or 'base' filtering "usually posts from friends and people who know".

But even then, Facebook users can lose important messages, are unworthy of the Inbox social networks. Therefore, according to the company could operate paid model.

"If you want to send a message to a person heard about an event, but is not with friends or if you want to show someone a job offer, you can use this function to get to your Inbox," the company said in its blog. "For the recipient this test allows them to listen to people who have an important to send message."

Facebook has not said how much the service would cost. But the company cautiously at the beginning: Facebook said that this limitation does not prove the companies and users may payment message in your Inbox per week only.

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